Gifts and Thieves for Mental Wellness

We are well and truly into 2021. How are you? I pray for you, dear ones. I would love to know if there are needs I can bring to the God of compassion on your behalf. Just shoot me an email. Three Gifts for Mental Health  The experience of the last eleven months...

7 Ideas for respite and fun

I rolled out of bed, gritting my teeth against the aches and pains of another restless night. Going downstairs to get my coffee, I could see the glow of Nicholas’s phototherapy light in the dining room. Good, he’s already up. I flipped the switch to turn on the coffee...

5 tips for hard conversations

This is Mental Illness Awareness Week. For some of us, we can’t help but be hyper-aware of mental illness. Our kids, or other family members, or we ourselves have been struggling for a long time now. For others, though, the experience is new. But either way, we share...

following bubbles: finding air when you are drowning in stress

Find and follow the bubbles up to air and light.  Following Bubbles Do you sometimes feel like you are drowning in stress? Maybe you are caring for a kid with a mental illness or an elderly parent. Or the pandemic has ripped the financial rug out from under your...

Cultivate your inner life

Spending time with God nurtures our souls For a person who longs to face life courageously, with a soul that is whole, the ability to cultivate a vibrant inner life is crucial. Thieves are the problem. They press in on every side, stealing the time and breathing room...