Soul Rest During Parenting Crisis

Join Tina Yeager and me for a conversation about soul care, community, and awareness of our own needs for parents of kids who are in crisis.You can find Flourish-Meant on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Youtube, or on Tina’s website. Tina has great guests and a warm...

When the Parent of a Depressed Teen Develops Depression

Welcome to stop #4 of the Among Lions blog tour. Our host is Tony Roberts, author of the spiritual memoir Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission. His mission is to bridge the gap between faith communities and the mental health world. This post...

Soul Care for Wounded Parents

Join me at the third stop on the Among Lions blog tour! We are at Embracing the Unexpected today. Our host is Maree Dee, who is a writer, speaker, and mental health advocate. She ministers to families affected by mental illness, supporting them in facing unexpected,...

Finding Courage: Mothering a Teenager with Mental Illness

Join me at the first stop of my blog tour. Our host is Dena Hobbs, the co-author of When Anxiety Strikes. While you’re there, I encourage you to look around. Dena is a beautiful writer with a deep faith.  Read Finding Courage: Mothering a Teenager with Mental...