Coming April 23. 2024!

In Ancient Britain, Romans and Celtic tribes battle for territory.

Dark and Light wage war for the heart.

Tiann just wants to save her family.


Among Lions: Fighting for Faith and Finding your Rest while Parenting a Child with Mental Illness


Parents need protection.

The ambush of shock, the infection of resentment, the crocodile roll of defeat…Among Lions explores 10 “beasts” that can attack parents when a child has mental illness.

Each chapter includes:
• Defense strategies
• Illustrations from the author’s experience
• Perspectives from other parents
• Application of Scripture
• Research and advice from mental health professionals
• Practical pointers

Drawing on three years when the author’s teenaged son first suffered the onslaught of bipolar disorder, Among Lions offers hope and constructive help. Parents cannot escape the circumstances that attract the beasts, can’t fight them off by themselves, and can’t chase them away, but they can rest even while surrounded. Among Lions assures hurting parents that their souls can survive devastating crisis with practical help, hope from God’s Word, and encouragement from a mom who has found rest even among lions.